“Until he extends his circle of compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace.”
- Albert Schweitzer

Rosalita was found running around a Walmart parking lot. A bystander said that a man selling pigs out of his truck set her free to fend for herself at the end of the night. Luckily a special person saved her and brought her to us. She has since been adopted and spoiled like crazy!

Flower was found by animal control and taken to an animal hospital. She had no use of her back legs. They assumed she had been hit by a car but after X-rays were taken it was discovered she had been shot. How could anyone do something so horrible to such a sweet baby?

Animal control took Gertie and a miniature horse from a residence where they had been severely neglected. Gertie's neck was severely infected from an embedded collar. She unexpectedly gave birth shortly after, but her piglets all passed away. While the horse didn't recover from his mistreatment, Gertie has since been here at her forever home!

Baby came from the same shelter as Gertie. She had been attacked by a dog and had a ruptured eye, one missing ear and the other still attached. After not having received any veterinary care in 10 days, we rescued her from that shelter and she had surgery the very next day. She is now deaf but as you can see is safe and happy with us!!!